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Independent, free, fully digital, ConfiNews is a monthly medium for policy makers and civil society at large.

We give the floor to public and private figures, local and national elected representatives, intermediary bodies, business leaders, researchers, project promoters and artists.

Learning, thinking and smiling is the triptych behind ConfiNews.

Site Web Confinews

Independent, free, fully digital

You will find interviews, analyses, forums, news to share within your company, your community, your favorite social networks, your community or with your friends. Solidarity, voluntarism, individual and collective creativity are indispensable assets in today’s world.

Our new ways of working, moving, feeding, trading, producing and inhabiting our environment must be formidable levers of territorial, professional, economic, artistic and societal opportunities.

Let's build a connection

Born a few days after the first lockdown began in March 2020, ConfiNews is the result of a collective adventure that carries a simple idea: cultivating the bond.

While we were all separated from each other, it was essential to continue to exchange our thoughts, knowledge, ideas, knowledge and experiences.

Given the success of this initiative, ConfiNews has been transformed to welcome new contributors and partners, within an ecosystem that shares the same values of inventiveness, optimism and energy.

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